"A future without sustainable development policies? The question is nonsense. It's no longer an option.

Sustainable development

Stubborn pollution, over-exploited resources - all these issues have naturally led us to reflect on and support the following actions for economically efficient, socially equitable and ecologically sustainable development.

Reducing waste

  • Implementation of processes to reduce energy consumption in the company's offices, warehouses, workshops, design office, IT department (electricity, water, etc.).
  • Analysis of our internal monitoring processes and reminders to reduce printing in order to limit paper and ink consumption
  • Organization of selective collection of lamps, batteries, telephones, IT and electronic equipment, etc., by local authorities and recycling associations.
  • Raising awareness among all our employees of the need to use ecoproducts as soon as possible, and to apply the fundamental principles and daily gestures of eco-responsibility.

Waste management

  • Pallet recycling
  • Paper and cardboard recycling
  • Sorting and recycling ink cartridges
  • Battery recycling
  • Recycling or donation for a 2nd life for electronic equipment
  • Chemical waste treatment

Gestion responsable de nos outils de communication

  • Favoriser les communications électroniques pour les devis, documentations, factures, commandes …afin de réduire au maximum les envois courriers
  • Nous avons choisi de supprimer l’impression de tous nos catalogues papiers. Ils sont désormais téléchargeables par voix électronique (PDF). Ils sont imprimés uniquement à la demande.

Freight transport and travel

Our travel

Our aim is to keep car travel to a minimum, by systematically favoring public transport.

This reduces carbon emissions and cuts our travel costs.

Our vehicles have been chosen according to the following criteria

  • Manufacturing in ISO 14001 plants This standard rewards the progress made by the production site to reduce water and energy consumption, waste production, atmospheric and aqueous emissions, and noise pollution.
  • End-of-life: over 7% recycled plastic
  • Low fuel consumption

Freight transport

Optimization of our logistics, from sourcing from our suppliers to delivery to our customers.

  • We expressly ask our principals to deliver to us once a week, in order to consolidate as many parcels as possible.
  • Whenever possible, we ask our suppliers to deliver directly to our customers, to reduce the number of return shipments.

Freight transport

  • Priority selection of carriers meeting the Charter of Voluntary Commitments to Reduce CO2 Emissions from Road Freight and Passenger Transport
  • Contracts have been signed with certain customers to group together equipment deliveries once a week.
  • Unless otherwise requested by our customers, all deliveries are grouped together for a given order.
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