CIF is a French manufacturer and distributor of equipment for PCB production and electronic board assembly. CIF is a leader in tabletop CNCs, laboratory reflow ovens and vapor-phase systems.


CIF is the French leader in electronic laboratory equipment. Since 2019, CIF completes its offer with a complete range of equipment for SMD assembly lines. CIF is a member of IPC.


DCT is an innovative world leader in the development and production of laser micromachining equipment for the electronics industry. These rapid prototyping machines and direct laser processing systems (for PCB structuring or stencil production) are among the most advanced systems on the market.


Hanwha Precision Machinery is a leader in the high-tech industry of the 21st century.


After developing the first chip assembly machine in 1989, Hanwha Precision Machinery has become one of the world's leading suppliers of solutions for the Smart Factory, offering surface-mount component (SMD) transfer machines, semiconductor equipment, industrial automation equipment and integrated software solutions.


KAYO SMT is China's leading designer and manufacturer of low-cost, stable-quality SMT assembly lines. Its equipment is designed for small and medium production runs, and sets the benchmark in its segment.


METCAL offers some of the most advanced and durable soldering stations on the market.


POWATEC is a production and services company specializing in the development and production of backend products for the electronics and semiconductor industries.


REECO is a brand of ESD furniture and ESD modular workstations. All these products have been developed for use in electronics manufacturing and repair.


They therefore meet the strict quality requirements of this industry.


Use the online 3D configurator to quickly define your station: CIF.REECO.INFO


SANXO is a fast-growing technology company providing a wide variety of software and hardware solutions in the fields of digital microscopy, machine vision and robot automation.


SASINNO is an innovative brand of selective soldering systems designed for small-scale to mass production. Sasinno is constantly innovating, and is able to design tailor-made solutions to meet the most daring industrial challenges.


SMTix is a White label offering an excellent compromise between innovation, precision and reliability, while ensuring high-quality performance.


  • C.I.F. – Circuit Imprimé Français
  • 240 rue Hélène Boucher 78530 BUC France
  • 33 (0)1 39 66 96 83
  • SIRET Number: 316 469 345 00045
  • TVA/VAT/IVA Code : FR 80 316 469 345
  • EORI Number : FR31646934500045
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